UWNR EVOLVES... / by Jonathan Thomson

Over the past 8 years we have worked hard at UWNR to develop a mosaic of habitats and create as many opportunities as possible, for a range of species. And it’s working! (Please refer to my last blog about the amazing results from Harry’s research of our conservation laid hedges. One example….).

About now, UWNR has a story to tell and there is a group of people who want to hear that story. As the 6th Extinction bears down on us, our leaders do too little too late. This inaction has generated a growing body of people who are taking things into their own hands – buying land to rewild. And with this, suddenly, UWNR has become a resource for teaching; ‘How to rewild 1 – 50 Acres’. So, these are exciting and busy times!

 So far this spring, I have hosted a rewilding workshop (these are really flying now – having refined the design), a biodiversity group and numerous visits. There are more workshops and group visits in the diary…

Rewilding workshop March 2022

In this mix, is the webinar I will be doing with the brilliant people at Rewidling Britain. It takes place on Thursday 14 April from 18.30-20.00. Much excitement!

And a plug for Rewidling Britain – join them, give to them, shop from them (great t-shirts!), support them…. we need them!

A clutch of nature notes from UWNR - recent happenings!

This winter, each late dusk, woodcock would dart in from the woodland to the north of UWNR. Their focus, the lake surrounds and the sedge marsh immediately to the east. There they foraged each night. They have gone now – back to Siberia and the vast, open lands to the north-east. I miss them….

Again this spring, the lake has been a lovely, seething, writhing mass of frogs and toads – thanks to Bob Gibbons for this extraordinary shot!

With the onset of fine, warm, early spring weather there has been a burst of energy and life…solitary bees are on the wing, butterflies are emerging from their winter hibernation and drift about the land, chiffchaffs have arrived and are chiffchaffing, the wild honeybees have burst into action - working working, brimstones are out and about and I have found a thrush studiously building her nest in thick ivy….

And finally - UWNR has its own You Tube channel! (I will update this from time to time…).