The BBC comes to UWNR! / by Jonathan Thomson

This really did happen. In mid-October 2020 Rebecca Rooney of BBC Farming Today called me to discuss creating a program about UWNR. I thought it was my mate Mike, running another hoax…surely it had to be a set up. But no, it was for real. So in late October, Rebecca came to UWNR (twice) to interview this stellar cast:

  • Annie - is one of the wonderful young people who does the John Muir Award…these young people are at the heart of the project.

  • Matt - Mr Honey Bee man…dedicated, knowledgeable & passionate about this under pressure species. A proper revolutionary.

  • Gareth - he is Wiltshire’s very own Chris Packham….he knows everything about everything. His vast knowledge underpins almost everything I do at UWNR.

  • Hugo - a lepidopterist with vast experience, accrued over decades. Hugo moth traps at UWNR each year.

  • Harry - has worked with me at UWNR for many years and inspired by these experiences, is now studying Ecology and Conservation Management at Aberystwyth University. The future.

  • Volunteers - Patrick, Steve and Laurie…these guys do the hands on graft and help me nudge habitats into optimum shape. Without them UWNR would not perform as it does….

  • A very special raptor.

  • And me.

The program will be broadcast on Saturday 2nd January at 06.30 on BBC Radio 4. After that available on BBC Sounds. And UWNR takes up the whole program!

And look the new sky table is working - the resident buzzards scavenging:

Buzzard 2 Dec 2020.JPG
Buzzards Dec 2020.JPG